Friday, August 6, 2010

Hell...I mean college.

Great, school's starting up again. -sigh- Time to clean out my car, pay tuition, buy books, and writing material again. Yay.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sweethearts! Ladies! Gentlemen!

Back again sugars! Keeping it real tonight!

Tonight's subject is gonna be something that we all hate, I'm sure.

But it's gotta be addressed and addressed properly!

Hate mail!

Now I realize folks have free speech and all that jazz. But iffn you send me an email telling me how much you dislike something I've done, not only am I going to tear it up, I'm gonna reply and tear you up in response. Then it'll escalate into a vicious cycle that'll only end in one of two ways, court or death.

Now, don't none of us want it to get that far, so you know what you do?

Let that shit slide right on off of you like water.

Yeah, you can get angry.

You can curse and scream and tear up shit, throw something into the wall, do whatever it takes, besides returning a hateful email.

And what do you do when you're done?

Reply back in the most polite and assholish way possible, then go about your day with a smile!

That's what really gets 'em.

Ciao sugars!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bleeding Graduational Saturday

-sigh- So graduation is tomorrow which means the 'rents will wake me up early for no reason, when we won't be leaving until 2:45pm, then I have to find some dress shoes since we can't wear boots, I'll prolly end up in a dress, which I hate. I am not a dress person, it's bad enough that I've gotta wear a gown.

I just want tomorrow to be over already so I can see what my schedule is for next week.

Monday, June 8, 2009

You know I have too much time on my hands when:

I start making cookies at 2am. Gotta let the dough chill for a while. Then tomorrow afternoon, orange spice glazed cookies!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Hat!

Second rasta hat I have! Not that I advocate weed or anything, they just look nice. Also, that is not a blunt, it's a piece of rolled twisty paper.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's 3:30am sugahs and Dwele is on the telly.

I can't tell ya'll how sick I am of seeing McD's commercials. McCafe this, Dwele that. God, I already work there, so it makes them ten times more annoying. I used to love McD's, but now? Psh, whenever I do get around to quitting it'll be a long while before I go back.

"Hi, would you like to try-"


"Alright, how may I-"

"I want um...a Big Mac, three large fries, uh...a cheeseburger, a 4 pack chicken nugget, and four Big and Tasty value meals with no onions, extra pickles, add tomato, mayo and Big Mac sauce, with a coke."

We put all meals in medium by default unless they specify. If you work at McD's you already know this.

"Will that be all for you to-"

"No! I want a kids double cheese meal with a water, a parfait, a fudge sundae, a car-mel sundae and three apple pies. I also want a chicken wrap with ranch and extra ranch! And I want bbq sauce for those nuggets!"

"Crispy or grilled chicken snack wrap?"

"Crispy. Will that be all for you?"

"I want those meals "biggie-sized" too."

Last time I checked we weren't Burger King. And now I have to go back and make all those meals large. You have to void out everything and re-enter it. Sigh.

"Will that be all for you today?"

"Coffee with six creams and eight sugars. Now that's all."

"What size coffee?"


"That's it?"


"44.50 at the first window."

"What?! No, no, I don't want anything now! Just give me a McDouble and that's it."

Internal scream.

And that's why I hate my job.